Archives mensuelles : février 2013


  • Fixed map flashing on pre-Honeycomb devices when turning the screen off, then on
  • Catch some device-specific crashes
  • Fixed target waypoint getting confused when zooming in a lot


  • Fixes for reported issues (mainly offline downloader and widget)
  • Fixed a possible battery drain when MyTrails is running but not recording and the screen turns off

Sorry for the quick succession of updates.


  • Bigger map buttons to better conform to Android guidelines
  • Warning when the GPS somehow stops recording
  • Offline downloader shows previously-downloaded areas
  • Sharing after upload includes a track screenshot and works with Twitter, Facebook and G+
  • EXPERIMENTAL lockscreen widget (also works on homescreen)
  • HUD computes average speed as distance / time spent moving
  • Improved display performance even further and fixed the blurry scale that affected some devices