It’s been a lot longer than I would have preferred, but it’s been a good occasion to rework some pretty complex logic in the core of MyTrails’ track handling. Based on this version, adding support for graphs will be much easier, and that will be the focus of the next few releases.
- Changed the way tracks are handled
- Break detection: a new track segment will be created if the recording is paused or the track is otherwise interrupted
- Fixed an issue where long tracks under high zoom sometimes caused rendering artifacts
- GPX track segments supported (save and load)
- Added support for track arrows, little legs on the sides of tracks that show the direction of travel
- IGN map
- Now uses Geoportail-hosted maps
- Added support for IGN Cadastre maps
- Dropbox
- Moved to v1 API, which changes how MyTrails handles Dropbox authentication
- Allow overwriting a track
- Screen lock option allows MyTrails to ignore all input (except Home button) after a few seconds (Pro)
- Added support for opening locations in MyTrails (geo intents)
- Added an LED to the scale to denote the recording status and easily toggle recording
- Added recording and displaying of raw speed from the GPS (there is no standard for storing speed in GPX)
- Added an option for an even heavier compass filter
- Updated maps
- WanderReitKarte (now a single-layer map on the server)
- OutdoorActive (new URL)
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